Monday, November 3, 2008

And yet another reason I love my mac

I've stumbled upon yet another reason to give more of my money to Apple . . . 

"Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign.  Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees' same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person's fundamental rights -- including the right to marry -- should not be affected by their sexual orientation.  Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8."


Kate said...

I love my mac too, but for non political reasons. I think I banned using my mac for 10 minutes in protest to their concept of "civil rights".

annieareyouok said...

great post b! mac ... you complete me ;)

Jim said...

I would Love to leave a comment and let you cats know How we feel.. But since we have been working Hard on this Prop 8 thing for the last four months.. and well.. since it's the day before the vote and you decide to jump in with your Support against it..
I just don't have time to bother..
I'm just too busy...