Sunday, February 8, 2009

...just one more stomach flu away from my ideal weight

Well I had a fever the weekend of my last exam and I've been coughing like I have pneumonia (like the bout I had when in Japan, only not quite as bad). So, it's lame to not take a test "cause I'm sick," because, well it's just lame. No one should get sick before a test. But to stay positive, even though all the coughing is giving me a pounding headache, my abs are getting ripped, and I'm just one more stomach flu away from my ideal weight... ha

No worries though, I'm slowly improving.


Kate said...

ha, you are funny! Way to stay you said to me, hang in there kate...i mean ben!

Kim said...

I was hoping for the same weight loss program with my surgery but no such luck. Try Vicks on the bottom of your feet before you go to bed, put on some socks & there shall be no more coughing. Hope you did well on the test.

big red 26 said...

Daaang that sounds almost's kind of like my London Diet. Way to hang in the Dr.Turner!